Deskripsi Singkat | Combination Permeter Test ASTM
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The equipment is use for testing the premeability of granular soils, the specimen is formed in a premeability cell and water passed through it from a constant level tank. Clays and silts are tested using the failing head technique, a specimen is confined within a cylinder and connected to a glass tube of fixed diameter filled with de-aired water.
ASTM D.2434 / AASHTO T.215
Type Parts Name
BS 117.1 Sample Chamber Transparant fibre glass 2,5 id 14" height porous stone, cast alumunium base 1 Set
BS 117.2 Frame Wood frame 1 Set
BG 018/4 Funnel Plastic, wide mounth, with over flow 1 Set
BG 024/2 Porous Stone 2,5 diameter 1 Pc
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